Monday, June 20, 2011

More Cygnets!

Once again I am rearing three cygnets! This little brood was abandoned by it's parents ( an unusual occurrence ) They may have been intimidated by other swans. At only one day old they were being washed down the Corrib. We were called by a fisherman who noticed their plight. Feargal donned his wetsuit and with much difficulty in the deep and strong current he found four. We found the parents and tried to coax them to take the cygnets back,but to no avail.
They are now four weeks old and three of them made it. They are off the heat lamp and are thriving on a diet of duck and geese pellets and large amounts of shredded lettuce. Lucy, the goose is caring for them. They are enjoying their baths in the paddling pool under Lucy's close supervision!