Friday, March 20, 2009

Galway & Claddagh Swan Rescue

Galway and Claddagh Swan Rescue

Emergency Phone Number : 086 3826471
Easter Eggs
Eggs are a sign of new life and joy. Swans, ducks and all wetland birds are busily building their nests and preparing to lay their eggs. Swans nest in the reeds around lakes, ponds and rivers. As their eggs are large, the incubation period is between 35 and 39 days. Incubation begins when all the eggs are laid. They can lay between 5 and12 eggs. Ducks and smaller wetland birds incubate between 14 and 20 days.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Registered Charity No. : CHY 14904.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Our Team Officers.

Chairperson: Ruth Quinn.

V.Chairperson: Des O' Dowd.

Secretary: Suzanne Divilly.

Treasurer: Mary Joyce-Glynn.

Hon. Member: Imelda O Brien.

Fund Raiser: Breda Lenihan.

Our Emergency Phone Number,086 3826471
is displayed on the window of the Claddagh Hall.

The G.S.P.C.A. , The Gardai in the city and county and surroundings counties, Galway City Co., Galway County Co., Dept. of Agriculture and Veterinary Clinics have the phone number.